
Friday, June 21st

9.30 — Opening and coffee

10.00 — Welcome note

Laura Valette (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, HiCSA)
Anne-Florence Gillard-Estrada, (University of Rouen Normandy, ERIAC)
Marie-José Hanaï (University of Rouen Normandy, head of ERIAC)
Pierre Wat (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, HiCSA)


Session 1. Inventing Whistlerism: the Case of Art Criticism
Chair: Anne-Florence Gillard-Estrada
 (University of Rouen Normandy, ERIAC)

10.30 — Catherine Carter Goebel (Paul A. Anderson Professor Emerita in the Arts, Augustana College), « The Gentle Art of Critical Discourse, The Centre for Whistler Criticism »

11.00 — Thomas Hughes (Associate Lecturer, independent researcher), « Burne-Jones, the Black Country, and Hammering Nails: Revisiting Ruskin’s Criticism of Whistler »

11.30 — Coffee break

11.45 — Carole Delhorme (Teaching Fellow, Jean Moulin Lyon III- University, IETT), « “The painter must be pictorial always”: from the Unity of the Arts to the Specificity of the Medium: Oscar Wilde’s Whistlerian Heritage »

12.15 — Aleksandra Budrewicz (Institute of English Studies, University of the National Commission Education, Krakow, Poland), « James Whistler in the Polish Press and Literature (1890-1939) »

12.45 — Lunch break


Session 2. Whistlerism across the Arts: Inter-artistic Dialogues
Chair: Florence Calame-Levert (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen)

14.30 — Midori Kono (PhD candidate, University of York), « An Ambitious Portrait: a Collaborative Work of James McNeill Whistler and Théodore Duret »

15.00 — Fergus McGhee (Departmental Lecturer in English Literature, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford), « Whistler and the Idea of Poetry »

15.30 — Kristina Åström (PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow), « Of Fans and Butterflies: the Folding of Subject and Media in the Works of James McNeill Whistler and Stéphane Mallarmé »

16.00 — Coffee break

16.15 — Martine Lambert-Charbonnier (Associate Professor, Sorbonne-Université-VALE), « Whistler’s Quest for Beauty from “Colour and Picture Pattern” to Interior Design »

16.45 — Aileen Tsui, Nancy L. (Underwood Associate Professor of Art History, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland), « Whistler’s Colour, Decoration, and the Kimono »

17.15 — Clare A.P. Willsdon (Professor of the History of Western Art, University of Glasgow), « Sounding the Garden with Whistler, Mallarmé, and Monet »

17.45 — End of the first day of the conference

18.00 — Cocktail and free visit of the Whistler exhibition

Saturday, June 22nd

Session 3. Whistlerism or the “Butterfly” Effect: in Search of Parentage
Chair: Anne-Pascale Bruneau-Rumsey (Paris-Nanterre University, CREA)

9.00 — Anne Koval (Professor of Art History, Museum and Curatorial Studies, Mount Allison University), « Whistler’s Shopfronts, the London Impressionists, and the “grey-panel craze” »

9.30 — Freya Spoor (Assistant Curator of European and Scottish Art, National Galleries of Scotland), « “All the fashion”–Whistler and the International Trend for Pastel 1880-1900 »

10.00 — Charlotte Healy (Senior Research Associate in Prints and Drawings, The Art Institute of Chicago), « The Gentle Art of Making Portraits: Gustav Klimt’s Lessons in the Painting of James McNeill Whistler »

10.30 — Coffee break

10.45 — Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik (Vice-President of the Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata, Warsaw), « “An artistic shorthand of genius”. At the Roots of Polish Japonism »

11.15 — Ewa Bobrowska (Independent Researcher, Terra Foundation for American Art), « Whistlerism and Polish landscape artists »

11.45 — Urszula Kozakowska Zaucha (Curator, National Museum, Kraków, Poland), « Portraits behind the Fog: Polish Art and Whistler »

12.15 — Lunch break


Session 4. The Myth of the Artist: Image, Receptions and Revivals
Chair: Laura Valette
 (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, HiCSA)

14.00 — Jeanne-Marie David (Project manager, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Réunion des Musées Métropolitains Rouen Normandie), "“Pass it on [...] and tell Mirbeau about it”: Octave Mirbeau, creator of the Whistler myth"

14.30 — Grischka Petri (Research Associate, Department of Intellectual Property Rights, Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Karlsruhe), « The End and Persistence of Whistlerism: Art Critics after Whistler »

15.00 — Daniel E. Sutherland (Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Arkansas), « Whistler’s Legacy in Popular Culture »

15.30 — End of the conference

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